Pop up tents have become increasingly popular in recent years, mostly thanks to their simplicity and ease of setup. But while setting them up is as easy as just pulling them out of the bag, packing them back down can be frustratingly difficult.
Often, they will shoot back out of your hands right as you are going to put them into your bag, or they simply won’t fit in the bag at all because they haven’t been folded properly.
Use the guide below to avoid this frustration! It is a simple step-by-step guide on how to fold a pop up tent properly.
5 Steps to Folding a Pop up Tent
Step 1: Unzip the Tent Entrance
When you put up a tent, it fills with air. That’s why the first thing you want to do before you start folding it is to unzip the door. Once the door is open, trapped air can escape, and the tent will be a lot easier to compress and fold.
If you want to give your tent a quick wipe down so it’s clean and ready to use next time, now is a good time to do it.
Step 2: Start Folding the Tent
The standard way to fold pop up tents is from the back to front. To do this, you must grab the rear base pole and fold it upwards until you meet the roof pole.
Hold these two in one hand while reaching for the front base pole. Repeat the procedure with the front and roof rods until you grab them in one hand. Make sure you have a firm grip on the arched parts to avoid slippage.

Step 3: Lift and Rotate
By this point, the tent should have formed a figure of eight. If it has, lift the tent and position it upright while holding the arches together in your hand. Slide the circles in so you form one ring. Don’t forget to line up the edges.
Step 4: Pull down and Slide
Since you have a spare hand, you can easily use it to pull down the top part of the tent towards your feet. The item should bend towards your feet, forming two slightly overlapping circles.
When you slide one of the rings under the other, let any remaining air escape. The final result should be circular.
Step 5: Secure and Bag up
When you’ve finished folding, grab the straps and pull them across the pop-up tent. If your tent has a Velcro lock system, you won’t even need to tie it up. Just pop your item back into its dedicated bag, making sure you’ve tied it to its holder.
Now, your tent is fully packed away and ready for your next trip!

Final Thoughts
Folding your pop up tent the right way means that it will fit in the bag the first time and that you avoid damaging the delicate internal poles.
Use this guide as a reference next time you need to fold up your pop up tent. If you still have any questions, feel free to write in the comment section below so that we can assist you.
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Note that while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this page, there may sometimes be errors. Check all specifications with the manufacturer before purchasing any product.